Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Story From America :: essays research papers

A Story From America August 14th 1960, I was working late at the office that night. It was like one of those nights that gives you shiver, when you think about them. The cold air was tickling me in the neck, when it slowly blowed into the room from the open window. The lights from the street made me so annoyed that I hartly could find and read the papers I was looking for. Finally I found them, they were hiding in my personal archive of cases connected with murder. My attention suddenly breaks when my secretary, a young talented woman with many unusual skills, approaches the office. She always talks, normaly I just pretend to listen, but this time I could feel something was different. She had an idea, maybe she had found a clue, in the case which had gone on my nerves for the last three weeks. “Cooper !';, she manages to pronounce before she throws some papers on my desk. “Do you remember, when we were investigating Mrs Alpher’s apartment ?';. “Yes, what is it ?'; I say, trying to find out what’s on her mind. “You see, until now we haven’t found anyone that possibly could have gone into Mrs Alpher’s apartment, without anyone noticing him or her';. “You’ve got a point there';, I responded, what was on her mind ? That blue dress certainly showed her fine curves, actually I coundn’t get her of my mind most of the time. “Well, her apartment lies on the corner of Main Street and Baker Street, there’re three windows, one on Baker St. and one Main St. plus one in the middle. That night Mrs Alpher was shot, it was very warm, and if she then had a window open. A person could have shot her in hers apartment, from his or hers own window';, she looked satisfied after finishing her composing. “So what you’re trying to say, is that we maybe could find the murder in one of the apartments opposite Mrs Alpher’s windows';. The idea wasn’t bad at all I thoungt, she opened the new cupboard to get some files. “OK. we’ll go over to her apartment right away';. It was quite strange to enter the apartment, it had an unusual structure, but also it had a certain charm with it’s three windows in the end of the living room. I tryed to picture what had been going on that evening Mrs Alpher was shot. A Story From America :: essays research papers A Story From America August 14th 1960, I was working late at the office that night. It was like one of those nights that gives you shiver, when you think about them. The cold air was tickling me in the neck, when it slowly blowed into the room from the open window. The lights from the street made me so annoyed that I hartly could find and read the papers I was looking for. Finally I found them, they were hiding in my personal archive of cases connected with murder. My attention suddenly breaks when my secretary, a young talented woman with many unusual skills, approaches the office. She always talks, normaly I just pretend to listen, but this time I could feel something was different. She had an idea, maybe she had found a clue, in the case which had gone on my nerves for the last three weeks. “Cooper !';, she manages to pronounce before she throws some papers on my desk. “Do you remember, when we were investigating Mrs Alpher’s apartment ?';. “Yes, what is it ?'; I say, trying to find out what’s on her mind. “You see, until now we haven’t found anyone that possibly could have gone into Mrs Alpher’s apartment, without anyone noticing him or her';. “You’ve got a point there';, I responded, what was on her mind ? That blue dress certainly showed her fine curves, actually I coundn’t get her of my mind most of the time. “Well, her apartment lies on the corner of Main Street and Baker Street, there’re three windows, one on Baker St. and one Main St. plus one in the middle. That night Mrs Alpher was shot, it was very warm, and if she then had a window open. A person could have shot her in hers apartment, from his or hers own window';, she looked satisfied after finishing her composing. “So what you’re trying to say, is that we maybe could find the murder in one of the apartments opposite Mrs Alpher’s windows';. The idea wasn’t bad at all I thoungt, she opened the new cupboard to get some files. “OK. we’ll go over to her apartment right away';. It was quite strange to enter the apartment, it had an unusual structure, but also it had a certain charm with it’s three windows in the end of the living room. I tryed to picture what had been going on that evening Mrs Alpher was shot.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Silence: Silence: a Thirteenth-Century French Romance

The writer begins Silence by calling himself Master Heldris of Cornwall and saying his wish not to have his work spread among wealthy people who don’t know how to appreciate it. He refers to them as â€Å"the kind of people†, which clearly shows his negative attitude toward those who he describes as â€Å"prize money more than honor†, or â€Å"want to hear everything but do not care to make a man happy with some reward they might wish to give†.The phrase â€Å"at the beginning of the work†, or â€Å"before I begin to tell my story† are repeated three times throughout the opening: one at the start, one at the center, and one at the end right before the writer starts telling the story. This, together with strong words such as â€Å"command†, â€Å"request†, repeatedly reminds the readers of the writer’s demand to preserve his work and of his deep hatred toward greedy people. The writer’s strong feeling against avaric ious men is expressed clearly: â€Å"I feel tremendously compelled, stung, goaded [into talking about this]†, and â€Å"It bothers me terribly†.Several different negative words and phrases are also used to depict those people throughout the text: â€Å"greedy†, â€Å"nasty†, â€Å"petty†, â€Å"fools†, â€Å"intoxicated with Avarice†, â€Å"those hateful men†. He tells problems relating to those people from the perspective of a poet: â€Å"serve them well, as if they were your father: then you will be most welcome, judge a fine minstrel, well-received†, or â€Å"very bad cheer and a sour face, that’s what you’ll always get from them† when you ask for something. The bitterness in each sentence and the clear descriptions shows that the writer seems to have experienced those problems himself.He disgusts greedy people and views them as pathetic creatures that have a dreadful life as they try to â€Å"pi le up wealth† and â€Å"yet afraid of losing it†: â€Å"a man afraid is not at peace he is miserable and ill at ease. Wealth only makes a man mean-spirited and makes him toil without profit. All he does is soil himself† Greedy men â€Å"rob† world â€Å"of all pleasure†, and lost their trust in everyone, even their own wives: â€Å"he doesn’t want her spend any of it, â€Å"for one missing penny would mar the perfection of those thousands marks he lost sleep over†.The writer emphasizes that owning property does not make life easier nor brings one any â€Å"joy and festivity† if one do not know how to use and share it wisely: â€Å"lost sleep†, â€Å"ill†, â€Å"miserable†, â€Å"stingy†. Capitalizing Avarice, the writer refer to Avarice as a dangerous goddess who traps fools in her maze of wealth, let them honor her as â€Å"their sovereign lady and wet nurse†, but betrays them, leaves them â €Å"drunk† and â€Å"intoxicated† and â€Å"driven to disgrace themselves†. While hating those fools, the writer is seriously concerned and cry :†O greedy people, alas! las! †. He repeatedly refer to the â€Å"locked away† wealth as â€Å"disgrace†, â€Å"shame†, and even a dirty substance: â€Å"dung†. Comparing unused wealth and dung, he further devalues property: â€Å"at least dung enriches the soils†, while greedy men â€Å"abuse this earthy life† and â€Å"enclosed their courts with shame forever†. Dung is often referred to as dirty and worthless, yet it has a function that benefits the planet, while wealth, often related to luxuriousness and enjoyment, neither brings comfort to its owner nor influence the world positively at all.Several comparisons are also used near the end of the opening to address the same point: â€Å"assets are worth less than manure†: â€Å"just as wheat is worth m ore than weeds†, rose† more than daisy, goshawk more than falcon more than buzzard, good wine than stagnant water, bittern than magpie, and most of all â€Å" honest poverty is of greater worth than a thousand marks without joys and festivity†. The comparisons start from small plants to birds to the main subjects: honest poverty versus useless wealth.This proves that wealth and greed are inferior and shameful, while praises generosity as superior and honorable. At the end of the opening, after all the hatred has been expressed, the writer says he now can begin his story â€Å"without a lot of fuss and bother†. Since the overall theme of the story relate to property and the problems relating to the right to own it, it appears that the writer does not just simply tell us his feeling toward greed and wealth but his main goal is to prepare us with a basic background of the story.The transition from the opening to the story is thus smoother. The story begins wit h the description of King Evan as a wise king who â€Å"maintained peace in his land† and apply strict rules to control his people. What King Evan has is wealth, power and respect so obviously troubles are unavoidable. This obviously connects to the theme mentioned in the opening, therefore, readers can catch up with the story more easily.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Midterm 3 History Essay - 8024 Words

There were 3 questions that I did not have the answer to. I’ve highlighted them in yellow. I apologize for the formatting, but the copy and paste job from Microsoft Word kinda screwed up. Feel free to format to your hearts content. Cheers! CC 302/CTI 310: Midterm Exam Short Answer Questions  · What was the position of the tribunes on the escalating conflict between Caesar, Pompey and the senate? What was Cicero’s position? o The tribunes were advocating for compromise with Caesar by offering him legal protection and military power. o Cicero was supporting the senate and Pompey and was in Rome stirring up trouble for the first Triumvirate by speaking out of ending Caesar’s Gallic command to prosecute him for his injustices†¦show more content†¦Caesar establishes Cleopatra as Queen of Egypt in place of her brother. He also has a bastard son with her, Ptolemy Caesar.  · Why (and where) did Cato the Younger kill himself? What is his postmortem reputation? o Cato the Younger went to Utica to kill himself. He committed suicide in protest of living underneath a tyrant (better dead than alive under a tyrant). o He was remembered as a hero of the Republic.  · At which battle did Caesar famously say: Veni, Vidi, Vici? o Caesar said â€Å"Veni, Vidi, Vici† after the Battle at Zela.  · Who did Caesar fight at the battle of Munda? What happened? Who survived? o Caesar fought the remaining sons of Pompey and the Pompeiian supporters at the Battle of Munda. o It was a bloodbath and a victory for Caesar. o Only Sextus Pompey, one of Pompey’s sons, survived.  · Against what enemy was Caesar planning a campaign after his return to Rome in 45 BC? o Caesar was planning a campaign against the Parthians after his return to Rome in 45 BC to obtain the standards lost by Crassus.  · Why did Caesar reform the calendar? Impact of this reform? o Caesar reformed the calendar because the Roman year and Solar year were three months apart and had poorly represented the seasons (Snow in July and hot in December). o This reform accurately depicted the relevant seasons.  · What was Caesar’sShow MoreRelatedEssay about Acct-212 Midterm Study Guide1080 Words   |  5 PagesACCT212 - Financial Accounting Midterm Exam Study Guide YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The Midterm Exam is open book, open notes. The maximum time you can spend in the exam is 3 hours, 30 minutes. If you have not clicked the Submit For Grade button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the Midterm Exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. 2. 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